All She Left Behind

Most of what she left

I carry in my mind

No tangible mementos

She left that I can find

And the memories I carry

Grow dimmer still in time

The fingerprints that certify

Her presence at the crime

The circle that her glass left

Is all she’s left behind

The lubricating toxin

That opened up her mind

The endless conversations

That lead us down a path

That found the fork less travelled

In memory’s aftermath


The circle that her glass left

Is all she’s left behind

The manifested truth

Of something now resigned

Her memory still inhabits

The corners of my mind

The circle that her glass left

Is all she left behind

Where the journey started

And where the journey’d end

Uncharted and discovered

With every turn and bend

The consequential meeting

That lead from there to here

Dissolved in its adjournment

To ever disappear

When I wake to find her

Tumbling’ through my mind

I search through buried treasure

For memories I once mined

And when the moon comes rising

It’s only dreams I hold

Of fairytales and mystics

In stories I’ve been told

The circle that her glass left

Is all she’s left behind

The manifested truth

Of something now resigned

Her memory still inhabits

The corners of my mind

The circle that her glass left

Is all she left behind

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